
Please note: If you are using a 3.x CMS, please use the following link: Reporting

Sigme provides useful metrics for Users, who have the relevant permissions, to view within the CMS. These are designed to provide a centralised area for analysis into Display performance and usage and are available from the Reporting section on the menu.

Display Statistics

The CMS records the bandwidth used by each Display when connecting to XMDS for content and when reporting back Display information.

The default view for the bandwidth chart is a total per Display.

Display Statistics Bandwidth

Filter to one Display to see each call that the Player makes to XMDS in isolation.

Display Statistics Filter

Filtering to just one Display helps to better understand where bandwidth was used.

Did you can set a bandwidth limit per Display!


The CMS records all Displays on/offline events to provide further information regarding a Displays availability.

Proof of Play

If you are using an earlier version than 2.1, please use the following: Proof of Play

Each Display can collect information to provide Proof of Play Reports on what they have shown.

Enable Stats Reporting and set the Aggregation level on a Display Profile Setting

Statistical collection can be enabled as a default by an Administrator on the Settings page and set by a User on adding/editing a Layout, Playlist, from the Media Library and adding/editing a Widget on a Layout or Playlist Timeline, with Off / On / Inherit selections.

Reports can be provided for Proof of Play statistics recorded by:

  • Layout
  • Media
  • Widget
  • Event

Proof of Play by Type

If the Player supports collection from external sensors, Event stats will be recorded and shown in Reports.

Proof of Play Default Settings

Statistical collection can be enabled by default from the Settings page under the Administration section of the main CMS menu, by clicking on the Displays tab.

Aggregation level

Set the level of collection of Proof of Play statistics to be applied to all Layouts / Media and Widget items as default.

  • Individual - statistics are recorded at the start and finish of each item individually and sent back to the CMS at each collection interval.
  • Hourly - records each item once, and includes the total number of times played and the length of time played during the hour and is sent back to the CMS on the next collection interval after the hour period has expired.
  • Daily - records each item once, and includes the total number of times played and the length of time played during the day and is sent back to the CMS on the next collection interval after the day has expired.

Players aggregate ‘completed records’ only, with collection made at the end of the Widgets duration so if a Widget has a duration of 3 hours, the stat will be recorded once the Widget has expired!

Enable Stats Collection

  • Tick the box to enable the collection of Proof of Play statistics to all Displays as default.

This can be toggled on/off by editing Display Setting Profiles.

Enable Layout Stats Collection

  • Tick the box to set the default to on for the collection of Proof of Play statistics for all newly added Layouts.

Collection can be disabled by unticking the box on the Add/Edit Layout form.

Enable Media Stats Collection

  • Use the dropdown menu to select the default setting to use for the collection of Proof of Play statistics for all Media items.

    Off On Inherit

Enable Playlist Stats Collection

  • Use the dropdown menu to select the default setting to use for the collection of Proof of Play statistics for all Playlists.

    Off On Inherit

Enable Widget Stats Collection

  • Use the dropdown menu to select the default setting to use for the collection of Proof of Play statistics for all Widgets.

    Off On Inherit

It is intended to have Widget always set to Inherit so that Layout and Media options control the collection!

Proof of Play Reports

Click on Proof of Play under the Reporting section of the CMS menu to access the available reports.

Proof of Play Dashboard

Proof of Play: Export

Use Export to select from and to dates for a Display to easily see all Proof of Play data exported to a CSV.

Proof of Play Export

Report: Proof of Play

Select a Range, use the filters and Apply to retrieve the Proof of Play information needed. Data can be exported to CSV.

Proof Of Play

From version 2.3 use Select a range to select Time as well as Date!

POP by Time

Chart Reports

Select a predefined timeframe, (Today, Yesterday, This Week etc) and use the filters to populate the data.

Proof of Play Summary Report


Reports can be scheduled to run on a Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly basis.

Chart: Distribution and Chart: Summary Reports must have the Type and the named Layout/Media/Event selected to activate the Schedule button.

Click on the Schedule button and complete the form fields.

Proof of Play Reports Schedule

From version 2.2.0, a PDF of a Scheduled Report can also be emailed to Users by clicking in the Should an email be sent? tick box.

Scheduled Reports can also be emailed to additional email addresses as entered in the Email addresses field.

Please ensure that your Administrator has entered a Sending Email address on the CMS Settings page, Network tab prior to setting up sending via email.

Report Schedules

Use the Report Schedules button to view all schedules by Type. Use the row menu for a particular report to open the last saved report, return to the Reports page, edit the existing schedule, re-run a report schedule (available for super administrators only) and delete.

Saved Reports

Click on Saved Reports to view all your run reports. Use the row menu to view your saved report, return to the reports page or schedule, export as a PDF and delete.

Report Schedules and Saved Reports can also be accessed directly from the CMS menu under the Reporting section.

Library Usage

View Library usage for all Users or filter to have an overview of usage by individual User/User Group.

Displays Library Usage