Library Quota

Sigme includes a Library Quota system so that Users and User Groups can be assigned a Library quota to determine the maximum amount of content they can upload.

Quotas can be assigned on User and User Group Add/Edit forms and are expressed in kilobytes.

Putting a value of 0 means the User/User Group has an unlimited Library quota.

Edit User Quota

The largest quota that can be resolved for the User is always the quota that is applied and excludes the unlimited quota.


  • User A has a quota of 100 MB assigned to their User record
  • Group 1 has a quota of 50 MB assigned to the Group record
  • Group 2 has a quota of 120 MB assigned to the Group record

User A belongs to Group 1 and Group 2, therefore their library quota is 120 MB (as this is the largest quota applied).

User A leaves Group 2 which means their quota is now 100 MB (as the largest applied quota).

User A is re-assigned an unlimited quota (0), their Library quota is 50 MB as they still belong to Group 1 (the largest Library quota).