
If you are using a CMS earlier than v3.0.0, please use the following link: Grids

The CMS presents many of the entities,Layouts, Media, Displays for example, as tabular data called Grids. Each Grid has a number of elements that combine to create a flexible administration tool that is easy to read and understand.

The following screenshot shows the Layout Grid annotated with each of its elements:


Action Buttons

Common Actions for each page, such as Add Layout are located in the top right for ease of access.


Use the Advanced tab to access further filtering options:

Advanced Tab


Grids have multiple Filter fields which can be used to restrict the criteria for returned results.

For example all Layouts belonging to a particular Owner can be the only results shown in the Grid.

Use the checkbox to apply advanced filtering options for Names using Regex.

From v3.2.0 filter Names using AND/OR criteria, using comma separated terms!

From v3.1.0 set the Orientation for Image and Media files in the Library to apply to filters!


Use Folders to easily organise, search and share objects.

  • Click on a Folder/ sub-folder to search the contents and return results based on any filters applied to the Grid.


  • Tick All Folders to include searching in the Root Folder and return results based on any filters applied to the Grid.

Click the Folders menu to toggle on/off from view. When Folders is hidden from view, the file path for the selected folder will be shown!


Returned results are shown in available columns.

Most columns can be sorted by default. Where the column has an up or down arrow the Shift key can be used to multi-sort the column.

Use the Column Visibility button to select/de-select which columns to present in the data table.

Column Visibility

From v3.1.0 if too many columns have been selected to fit your screen size additional rows will be hidden. These can be viewed by clicking on the + icon at the beginning of the row:

Addtional Rows

Visible Rows

Row Menu

Each row has a menu of actions and shortcuts:

Row Menu

Menu's will differ dependant on the page selected!

Automatic Submission of Forms

Selected actions allow for Forms to be automatically submitted by just clicking on the action from the Row Menu, such as Checkout for Layouts Check Licence and Authorise from the Displays page or Clear Cache from the Modules page.

Actions that have an 'auto submit' capability will display an option to enable on the form.

Auto Submit

Once selected and Saved, forms will be automatically submitted the next time this particular action is selected.

Auto form submissions preferences can be reset from the User Profile

Multi-select - With Selected

Grids include the ability to multi-select rows to perform bulk actions. Available actions that can be applied in multiples are shown by clicking the With Selected button at the bottom of the page.

Multi Select

  • Edit Tags

    Allows a User to add new Tags with the option of removing any existing Tags from multiple selections.

    Bulk Tags

  • Share

    This option allows Users to edit multiple Sharing options at the same time.

    Elements that are shown with an indeterminate status - are the result of a difference in options already set. Any changes made here will be applied to all selected elements.

    Example scenario:

    Two Layouts are selected which already have the following Share options applied:

    Layout 1 - view 1, Edit 0, Delete 0

    Layout 2 - View 1, Edit 1, Delete 0

    When multi-selected it would show the following:

    View 1, Edit -, Delete 0

    A User makes changes and toggles to:

    View 0, Edit -, Delete 1 (leaving Edit in its current status)

    The two Layouts would now have the following Share options set:

    Layout 1 - View 0, Edit 0, Delete 0

    Layout 2 - View 0, Edit 1, Delete 1

Available actions are dependent on the page selected.


If available, a paging control option will be shown to allow a User to switch between pages of results.